Felipe Serna Barbosa

Full Stack Developer | .NET | Angular


About Me

I’m a Software Developer with knowledge in Machine Learning and a background in Chemical Engineering. One of my most recent projects is called the AirBnB Clone which was an approach to a simple clone of the AirBnB website. With the help of other peers, I built a back-end with Python, MySQL, and Flask, and a front-end with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The technologies I’m most fluent in are Tensorflow, Keras, and Numpy from Python. I can impact a team with positive energy, new ideas, and helping my coworkers.


AirBnB Clone


Web application:

GitHub README.md

Skillshare Experience (Holberton School – Foundations Final Project)


Project in a team of four students to improve virtual classes with an understanding indicator, embedded Zoom, chat, and some other features. Application with front-end in React and back-end in AWS CDK.

Technologies and frameworks used: GraphQL, JavaScript, React.js, Material UI, and AWS (AppSync, Amplify, S3, DynamoDB, Cognito, IAM, CDK, and Cloud Formation).

GitHub README.md |
Deployed app


Resume in pdf

Contact Me!

LinkedIn |